Business English in Questions - Legal Matters

Business English in Questions – LEGAL MATTERS

Learning a language must be done in a context because grammar rules only or lists of vocabulary are not sufficient to build sentences, paragraphs etc. If you already know the word or phrase, you want to use it in a wider context.

Conversations based on questions 

are an excellent method to use in practice both your knowledge of phrases and grammar, and at the same time exchange opinions with another speaker, brainstorm ideas, etc.

Below you’ll find a list of questions concerning LEGAL MATTERS.

You can download the file including comments in pdf format here LEGAL MATTERS.

 [d1]Turn to a legal professional for advice – szukać porady prawnej

 [d2]a person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, deeds – notariusz

 [d3]zmowy cenowe, łapówkarstwo, wykorzystanie poufnych informacji, podrabianie towarów, oszustwo podatkowe, szpiegostwo przemysłowe

 [d4]in accordance with – w zgodzie z

 [d5]resolve a legal dispute before a court comes to a final decision – ugoda poza sądem

 [d6]any company or organization that has legal rights and responsibilities, including tax filings – osoba prawna

 [d7]similar to public listed company in the UK – Spółka Akcyjna

 [d8]an individual who is not an association, joint venture or joint stock company, partnership, limited partnership – osoba fizyczna

 [d9]a person who is the exclusive owner of a business, entitled to keep all profits after tax has been paid but liable for all losses – jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza

 [d10]the authority to act for another person in specified or all legal or financial matters – pełnomocnictwo

 [d11]an act of breaking the terms set out in a contract – naruszenie zapisów umowy

 [d12]intangible property that is the result of creativity, such as patents, copyrights – własność intelektualna

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