Here are the titles of some clauses that you will find in an employment contract. Lawyers usually call them 'clause headings’. Below are descriptions of what each clause deals with. Match the headings of the clauses with the descriptions provided and then check with the key. You can download this employment agreement template below, to learn more legal English vocabulary.

You can also learn more about TYPICAL CONTRACTUAL CAUSES from the video below:


Match the headings of the clauses with the descriptions provided and then check with the key.

  • Term of the contract
  • Job title
  • Working hours
  • Remuneration
  • Holidays
  • Sick pay
  • Grievance procedure
  • Disciplinary procedure
  • Pension
  • Confidentiality
  • Non-competition
  • Termination

Descriptions and Clause Headings

a. This clause deals with the payment that the employee will receive in return for working for the employer.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

b. This clause deals with the employee’s obligation not to tell anyone about certain information that belongs to the employer.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

c. This clause deals with the period of time that the contract will be valid.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

d. This clause deals with the amount of time that the employee is obliged to work every week or month.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

e. This clause deals with what the employer must do if he or she is unhappy with the way that the employee is behaving at work.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

f. This clause deals with the arrangements for the employee to have money in his or her old age.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

g. This clause gives the name of the employee’s job.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

h. This clause deals with the time that the employee is allowed to stay away from work to rest and relax and still receive his or her pay.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

i. This clause deals with the ways in which the contract of employment can end.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

j. This clause deals with what an employee must do if he or she is unhappy at work and wants to complain to the employer.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

k. This clause deals with the employee’s obligation after the contract of employment ends not to start the same business or work for a rival of the employer for a certain period of time.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

l. This clause deals with the money that an employer must pay to an employee when the employee is ill and cannot work.

  • The clause heading is ____________________________________

Now check your answers below.


a. Remuneration

b. Confidentiality

c. Term of the contract

d. Working hours

e. Disciplinary procedure

f. Pension

g. Job title

h. Holidays

i. Termination

j. Grievance procedure

k. Non-competition

l. Sick pay


Term of the contract – Okres trwania umowy

Job title – Stanowisko pracy

Working hours – Godziny pracy

Remuneration – Wynagrodzenie

Holidays – Urlop

Sick pay – Wynagrodzenie chorobowe

Grievance procedure – Procedura składania skarg

Disciplinary procedure – Procedura dyscyplinarna

Pension – Emerytura

Confidentiality – Poufność

Non-competition – Zakaz konkurencji

Termination – Rozwiązanie umowy

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